STANDARD INLAID CARBON alloy tool steel, which is manufactured from a composite, inlaid material, utilizing the traditional two piece manufacturing method. The 1/8" thick alloy tool steel, LAID INTO the soft backing material, provides sufficient rigidity and strength to ensure that CKO paper knives will withstand the extreme cutting pressure of high lifts and coated paper.
HIGH CARBON, HIGH CHROME alloy tool steel which offers as much as twice the blade life of our standard CKS-I. This HCHC quality is often used for lower knives on three knife trimming machines.
INLAID HIGH SPEED STEEL, which is manufactured from the traditional two piece composite knife blanks. Our HSS inlaid knives contain 18% tungsten (SKH-2) at RC 62-63, which is designed to improve blade life as much as five times that of our CKO-I quality. This "high tech" alloy is designed to be used under high production applications, to ensure an increased number of cuts between sharpening, thereby reducing cost per cutting hour.
INLAID TUNGSTEN CARBIDE TIPPED knife designed to give as much as ten times the blade life between sharpening, compared to our standard CKO-I grade. These precision cutting tools must be used under optimum cutting conditions for best results.